Product Introduction
Making RNA Test as Easy as DNA
New, Super-Efficient Thermophilic Reverse Transcriptase
1. RT-PCR Enzymes:
Catalog Number | Description | 200U/200rxns | 500U/500rxns | 2500U/2500rxns |
RT-PCR 140 | Thermophilic Reverse Transcriptase | $269.00 | $672.50 | $3160.75 |
PT-PCR 145 | Taq-Probe Polymerase | $120.00(250rxns) | $564.00(1250rxns) | |
RT-PCR 148 | Taq-Fast Polymerase | $100.00 | $460.00 |
1.1 Thermophilic Reverse Transcriptase (Cat: RT-PCR 140)
Intended use
This reverse transcriptase or RNA-dependent DNA polymerase is used for real-time fluorescent RT-PCR with either SYBR Green dye or TaqMan probe.
The reverse transcriptase is a thermophilic type A polymerase (US patent pending) with optimal temperatures at 60-62°C (User Manual Tables 1-2).
The RTase is easily heat-inactivated at ≥90°C for 1min.
The enzyme efficiently synthesizes a complementary DNA strand on RNA template from a gene-specific primer, ≤1 unit per 20μL of singleplex reaction.
The enzyme reversely-transcribes single digit copies of target RNA molecules consistently.
The concentrations of the primers are variable depending on assay designs and thermocycling protocols (User Manual Table 4).
The preferable PCR product size is ≤150bp.
It is particularly suitable to one-step real-time qualitative and quantitative RT-PCR.
1.2. Taq-Probe Polymerase (Cat: RT-PCR 145)
Intended use
This DNA-dependent DNA polymerase is specially engineered for real-time PCR and RT-PCR amplification with TaqMan probe, singleplex or multiplex.
It is used together with Thermophilic Reverse Transcriptase (Cat 140) for RT-PCR.
Taq-Probe polymerase is specially engineered for TaqMan probe, its increased 5’-3’ exonuclease activity generating S-shaped curve.
The 5x buffer has three formulations of ROX, Low ROX or High ROX concentrations for your choice.
1.3. Taq-Fast Polymerase (Cat: RT-PCR 148)
Intended use
This DNA-dependent DNA polymerase is used real-time PCR and RT-PCR amplification with SYBR Green dye.
It is used together with Thermophilic Reverse Transcriptase (Cat 140) for RT-PCR.
Taq-Fast polymerase extends more than 300 bases with short PCR cycling program.
The 5x buffer has three formulations of ROX, Low ROX or High ROX concentrations for your choice.
Note: Depending on DNA polymerases used in RT-PCR, the kit contains different buffers. Please inquire for detail:
DNA polymerase | Fluorescence | 5x Buffer | Related Cat.# |
Taq-Fast polymerasea | SYBR Green | B | Cat. RT-PCR 148 |
Taq-Probe polymeraseb | TaqMan | C | Cat. RT-PCR 145 |
a: Taq-Fast polymerase, Cat RT-PCR 148, extends more than 300 bases with short PCR cycling program.
b: Taq-Probe polymerase, Cat RT-PCR 145, is specially engineered for TaqMan probe, generating S-shaped curve.
2. RT-PCR Kits:
Catalog Number | Description | 2mL/200rxns | 5mL/500rxns | 10mL/1000rxns |
Extraction-Free 1-Step 2X RT-PCR Master Mix-SYBR Green Dye |
$360.00 |
$879.30 |
$1692.00 |
RT-PCR 143 | 1-Step 2X RT-PCR Master Mix-TaqMan Probe | $300.00 | $732.75 | $1410.00 |
RT-PCR 144 | 1-Step 2X RT-PCR Master Mix-SYBR Green Dye | $256.00 | $625.28 | $1203.20 |
RT-PCR 146 | 1-Step 2X Multiplex RT-PCR Master Mix-TaqMan Probe | $408.00 | $996.54 | $1917.60 |
RT-PCR 147 | 1-Step 2X Fast RT-PCR Master Mix-SYBR Green | $300.00 | $732.75 | $1410.00 |
RT-PCR 149 | 1-Step 2X Super Multiplex RT-PCR Master Mix-TaqMan Probe | $448.80 | $1096.19 | $2109.36 |
2.1. Extraction-Free 1-Step 2X RT-PCR Master Mix-SYBR Green Dye (Cat: RT-PCR 142)
Intended Use
The Master Mix is used for real-time qualitative and quantitative RT-PCR amplifications with SYBR Green dye for extraction-free RNA samples.
The master mix is a premixed, 2X concentrated solution that has all the components except for gene-specific primers and RNA template.
Kit Characteristics
The master mix contains extra more redundant amounts of the RTase and DNA polymerase, specifically designed to overcome endogenous inhibition in extraction-free RNA samples.
For the reverse transcription step, this kit uses a highly efficient Thermophilic Reverse Transcriptase (US patent pending), which is a thermophilic type A polymerase, with optimal temperatures of 60-62°C.
The RTase is easily heat-inactivated at ≥90°C for 1min.
The RTase efficiently synthesizes a complementary DNA strand on RNA template from a gene-specific primer, ≤1 unit per 20μL of reaction.
The RTase reversely-transcribes single digit copies of target RNA molecules consistently.
The kit also contains Taq-Fast DNA polymerase which extends more than 300 bases with short cycling program.
The concentrations of the primers are variable depending on assay designs and thermocycling protocols (Table 1).
The preferable PCR product size is ≤150bp.
The kit has three formulations of No ROX, Low ROX or High ROX concentrations for your choice.
2.2. 1-Step 2X RT-PCR Master Mix-TaqMan Probe (Cat: RT-PCR 143)
Intended Use
The 1-Step 2X RT-PCR Master Mix is used for real-time qualitative and quantitative RT-PCR amplifications with TaqMan probe.
The master mix is a premixed, 2X concentrated solution that has all the components except for gene-specific primers, probe and RNA template.
Kit Characteristics
The kit is designed for singleplex RT-PCR with TaqMan probe.
For the reverse transcription step, this kit uses a highly efficient Thermophilic Reverse Transcriptase (US patent pending), which is a thermophilic type A polymerase, with optimal temperatures of 60-62°C.
The RTase is easily heat-inactivated at ≥90°C for 1min.
The RTase efficiently synthesizes a complementary DNA strand on RNA template from a gene-specific primer, ≤1 unit per 20μL of reaction.
The RTase reversely-transcribes single digit copies of target RNA molecules consistently.
The kit also contains Taq-Probe DNA polymerase specially engineered for TaqMan probe, generating S-shaped curve.
The concentrations of the primers and probe are variable depending on assay designs and thermocycling protocols (User Manual Table 1).
The preferable PCR product size is ≤150bp.
The kit has three formulations of ROX, Low ROX or High ROX concentrations for your choice.
2.3. 1-Step 2X RT-PCR Master Mix-SYBR Green (Cat: RT-PCR 144)
Intended use
The 1-Step 2X Fast RT-PCR Master Mix is used for real-time qualitative and quantitative RT-PCR amplifications with SYBR Green dye particularly for fast thermocycling.
The master mix is a premixed, 2X concentrated solution that has all the components except for gene-specific primers and RNA template.
Kit Characteristics
The kit is designed for singleplex RT-PCR with SYBR Green dye.
For the reverse transcription step, this kit uses a highly efficient Thermophilic Reverse Transcriptase (US patent pending), which is a thermophilic type A polymerase, with optimal temperatures of 60-62°C.
The RTase is easily heat-inactivated at ≥90°C for 1min.
The RTase efficiently synthesizes a complementary DNA strand on RNA template from a gene-specific primer, ≤1 unit per 20μL of reaction.
The RTase reversely-transcribes single digit copies of target RNA molecules consistently.
The kit also contains Taq DNA polymerase for PCR with SYBR Green dye.
The concentrations of the primers are variable depending on assay designs and thermocycling protocols (User Manual Table 1).
The preferable PCR product size is ≤150bp.
The kit has three formulations of ROX, Low ROX or High ROX concentrations for your choice.
2.4. 1-Step 2X Multiplex RT-PCR Master Mix-TaqMan Probe (Cat: RT-PCR 146)
Intended Use
The 1-Step 2X Multiplex RT-PCR Master Mix is used for real-time qualitative and quantitative multiplex RT-PCR amplifications with TaqMan probes for up to four templates.
The master mix is a premixed, 2X concentrated solution that has all the components except for gene-specific primers, probes and RNA templates.
Kit Characteristics
The kit is designed for multiplex RT-PCR with TaqMan probes.
For the reverse transcription step, this kit uses a highly efficient Thermophilic Reverse Transcriptase (US patent pending), which is a thermophilic type A polymerase, with optimal temperatures of 60-62°C.
The RTase is easily heat-inactivated at ≥90°C for 1min.
The RTase efficiently synthesizes complementary DNA strands on RNA templates from gene-specific primers, ≥1 unit per 20μL of reaction.
The RTase reversely-transcribes single digit copies of target RNA molecules consistently.
The kit also contains Taq-Probe DNA polymerase, specially engineered for TaqMan probes and generating S-shaped curves.
Up to four pairs of gene-specific primers can be applied in one reaction.
The concentrations of the primers and probes are variable depending on assay designs and thermocycling protocols (User Manual Table 1).
The preferable PCR product size is ≤150bp.
The kit has three formulations of ROX, Low ROX or High ROX concentration for your choice.
2.5. 1-Step 2X Fast RT-PCR Master Mix-SYBR Green (Cat: RT-PCR 147)
Intended Use
The 1-Step Fast 2X RT-PCR Master Mix is used for real-time qualitative and quantitative RT-PCR amplifications with SYBR Green dye particularly for fast thermocycling.
The master mix is a premixed, 2X concentrated solution that has all the components except for gene-specific primers and RNA template.
Kit Characteristics
The kit is designed for singleplex RT-PCR with SYBR Green dye.
For the reverse transcription step, this kit uses a highly efficient Thermophilic Reverse Transcriptase (US patent pending), which is a thermophilic type A polymerase, with optimal temperatures of 60-62°C.
The RTase is easily heat-inactivated at ≥90°C for 1min.
The RTase efficiently synthesizes a complementary DNA strand on RNA template from a gene-specific primer, ≤1 unit per 20μL of reaction.
The RTase reversely-transcribes single digit copies of target RNA molecules consistently.
The kit also contains Taq-Fast DNA polymerase which extends more than 300 bases with short cycling program.
The concentrations of the primers are variable depending on assay designs and thermocycling protocols (User Manual Table 1).
The preferable PCR product size is ≤150bp.
The kit has three formulations of ROX, Low ROX or High ROX concentrations for your choice.
2.6. 1-Step 2X Super Multiplex RT-PCR Master Mix-TaqMan Probe (Cat. RT-PCR 149)
Intended Use
The 1-Step 2X Super Multiplex RT-PCR Master Mix is used for real-time qualitative and quantitative multiplex RT-PCR amplifications with TaqMan probes for up to four targets.
The master mix is a premixed, 2X concentrated solution that has all the components except for gene-specific primers, probes and RNA templates.
Kit Characteristics
The kit is designed for multiplex RT-PCR with TaqMan probes.
For the reverse transcription step, this kit uses a highly efficient Thermophilic Reverse Transcriptase (US patent pending), which is a thermophilic type A polymerase, with optimal temperatures of 60-62°C.
The RTase is easily heat-inactivated at ≥90°C for 1min.
The RTase efficiently synthesizes complementary DNA strands on RNA templates from gene-specific primers, ≥1 unit per 20μL of reaction.
The RTase reversely-transcribes single digit copies of target RNA molecules consistently.
The kit also contains Super Taq-Probe DNA polymerase, specially engineered for TaqMan probes and generating S-shaped curves.
Up to four pairs of gene-specific primers can be applied in one reaction.
The concentrations of the primers and probes are variable depending on assay designs and thermocycling protocols (User Manual Table 1).
The preferable PCR product size is ≤150bp.
The kit has three formulations of ROX, Low ROX or High ROX concentration for your choice.
3. qPCR Kits:
Catalog Number | Description | 2mL/200rxns | 5mL/500rxns | 10mL/1000rxns |
qPCR 153 | 2X qPCR Master Mix-TaqMan Probe | $168.00 | $410.34 | $772.80 |
qPCR 156 | 2X Multiplex qPCR Master Mix-TaqMan Probe | $201.00 | $490.94 | $924.60 |
qPCR 157 | 2X Fast qPCR Master Mix-SYBR Green | $128.00 | $312.64 | $588.80 |
qPCR 159 | 2X Super Multiplex qPCR Master Mix-TaqMan Probe | $221.10 | $540.04 | $1017.06 |
3.1. 2X qPCR Master Mix-TaqMan Probe (Cat: PCR 153)
Intended Use
The 2X qPCR Master Mix is used for real-time qualitative and quantitative qPCR with TaqMan probe.
The master mix is a premixed, 2X concentrated solution that has all the components except for gene-specific primers, probe and DNA template.
Kit Characteristics
The kit is designed for singleplex qPCR with TaqMan probe.
This kit uses Taq-Probe DNA polymerase specially engineered for TaqMan probe, which increased 5’ to 3’ exonuclease efficiency produces S-shaped curve.
The concentrations of the primers and probe are variable depending on specific assays and thermocycling protocols (User Manual Table 1).
The preferable PCR product size is ≤150bp.
The kit has three formulations of ROX, Low ROX or High ROX concentrations for your choice (see User Manual Table 2).
3.2. 2X Multiplex qPCR Master Mix-TaqMan Probe (Cat: qPCR 156)
Intended Use
The 2X Multiplex qPCR Master Mix is used for real-time qualitative and quantitative multiplex qPCR with TaqMan probes for up to 4 targets.
The master mix is a premixed, 2X concentrated solution that has all the components except for gene-specific primers, probes and templates.
Kit Characteristics
The kit is designed for multiplex qPCR with TaqMan probes.
The kit uses Taq-Probe DNA polymerase specially engineered for TaqMan probes, which increases 5’ to 3’ exonuclease efficiency and produces S-shaped curve.
Two to four pairs of gene-specific primers can be applied in one reaction.
The concentrations of the primers and probes are variable depending on specific assays and thermocycling protocols (User Manual Table 1).
The preferable PCR product size is ≤150bp.
The kit has three formulations of ROX, Low ROX or High ROX concentrations for your choice (see User Manual Table 2).
3.3. 2X Fast qPCR Master Mix-SYBR Green (Cat: qPCR 157)
Intended Use
The 2X Fast qPCR Master Mix is used for real-time qualitative and quantitative qPCR with SYBR Green dye.
The master mix is a premixed, 2X concentrated solution that has all the components except for gene-specific primers and DNA template.
Kit Characteristics
The kit is designed for singleplex qPCR with SYBR Green dye.
The kit contains Taq-Fast DNA polymerase which can extend more than 300 bases with a short cycling program.
The concentrations of the primers are variable depending on assay designs and thermo-cycling protocols (User Manual Table 1).
The preferable PCR product size is ≤150bp.
The kit has three formulations of ROX, Low ROX or High ROX concentrations for your choice (see User Manual Table 2).
3.4. 2X Super Multiplex qPCR Master Mix-TaqMan Probe (Cat. qPCR 159)
Intended Use
The 2X Multiplex Super qPCR Master Mix is used for real-time qualitative and quantitative multiplex qPCR with TaqMan probes for up to four targets.
The master mix is a premixed, 2X concentrated solution that has all the components except for gene-specific primers, probes and templates.
Kit Characteristics
The kit is designed for multiplex qPCR with TaqMan probes.
The kit uses Super Taq-Probe DNA polymerase specially engineered for TaqMan probes, which increases 5’ to 3’ exonuclease efficiency and produces S-shaped curve.
Two to four pairs of gene-specific primers can be applied in one reaction.
The concentrations of the primers and probes are variable depending on specific assays and thermocycling protocols (User Manual Table 1).
The preferable PCR product size is ≤150bp.
The kit has three formulations of ROX, Low ROX or High ROX concentrations for your choice (see User Manual Table 2).
4. PAP Enzymes:
Catalog Number | Description | 500U | 2500U |
PAP 120 | PAP Polymerase GP (General Purpose) | $1800.00 | |
PAP 121 | PAP Polymerase HY (High Yield) | $1800.00 | |
PAP 122 | PAP Polymerase HP (High Processibility) | $1800.00 | |
PAP 123 | RT-PAP Thermophilic Reverse Transcriptase | $585.00 | $2515.50 |
PAP 124 | PAP Taq-Probe Polymerase | $1800.00 |
4.1. PAP Polymerase GP (General Purpose) (Cat: PAP 120)
Intended use
This DNA-dependent DNA polymerase is used for real-time fluorescent Pyrophosphorolysis Activated Polymerization (PAP) amplification with SYBR Green dye.
This polymerase efficiently synthesizes a DNA strand on DNA template.
It efficiently catalyzes pyrophosphorolysis on DNA template to remove a 3’ dideoxynucleotide or 3’ acyclonucleotide from a blocked primer.
It detects a single copy of target DNA molecule in PAP amplification.
4.2. PAP Polymerase HY (High Yield) (Cat: PAP 121)
Intended use
This DNA-dependent DNA polymerase is used for real-time fluorescent Pyrophosphorolysis Activated Polymerization (PAP) amplification with SYBR Green dye.
This polymerase efficiently synthesizes a DNA strand on DNA template.
It efficiently catalyzes pyrophosphorolysis on DNA template to remove a 3’ dideoxynucleotide or 3’ acyclonucleotide from a blocked primer.
It detects a single copy of target DNA molecule in PAP amplification.
4.3. PAP Polymerase HP (High Processibility) (Cat: PAP 122)
Intended use
These DNA-dependent DNA polymerases are used for real-time fluorescent Pyrophosphorolysis Activated Polymerization (PAP) amplification with SYBR Green dye.
This polymerase efficiently synthesizes a DNA strand on DNA template.
It efficiently catalyses pyrophosphorolysis on DNA template to remove a 3’ dideoxynucleotide or 3’ acyclonucleotide from a blocked primer.
It detects a single copy of target DNA molecule in PAP amplification.
4.4. RT-PAP Thermophilic Reverse Transcriptase (Cat: PAP 123)
Intended use
This reverse transcriptase or RNA-dependent DNA polymerase is used for real-time fluorescent RT-Pyrophosphorolysis Activated Polymerization (RT-PAP) with either SYBR Green dye or TaqMan probe.
The reverse transcriptase is a thermophilic type A polymerase (US patent pending) with optimal temperatures at 60-62°C, and is heat-inactivated at ≥90°C.
The RTase efficiently synthesizes a complementary DNA strand on RNA template, ≤1 unit per 20μL of reaction.
It efficiently catalyzes pyrophosphorolysis on RNA template to remove a 3’ dideoxynucleotide from a blocked primer.
It detects single digit copies of target RNA molecules in RT-PAP amplification.
4.5. PAP Taq-Probe Polymerase (Cat: P124)
Intended use
This DNA-dependent DNA polymerase is used for real-time fluorescent pyrophosphorolysis activated polymerization (PAP) with either singleplex or multiplex TaqMan probes.
This enzyme is specially engineered for TaqMan Probe.
With singleplex or multiplex TaqMan probes, it generates S-shaped curve and more consistent Ct values.
It detects a single copy of target DNA molecule in PAP amplification.
Note: Depending on used DNA polymerases in the amplification step, the kit contains different buffers. Please Choose a 5x RT-PAP Buffer when you order:
DNA polymerase | Fluorescence | 5x Buffer | Related Cat.# |
PAP polymerasea | SYBR Green | D | Cat. PAP 120,121,& 122 |
PAP Taq-Probe polymeraseb | TaqMan | E | Cat. PAP 124 |
a: PAP polymerase: Cat P120 (GP), P121 (HY) or P122 (HP).
b: PAP Taq-Probe Polymerase: Cat P124, specially engineered for TaqMan probe and generating S-shaped curve in PAP.
5. NA Extraction
Catalog Number |
Description |
1 Box |
3 Boxes |
10 Boxes |
DLC 301 | Human Urine Cell-Free DNA Extraction Kit (50mL) | Inquire | Inquire | Inquire |
DLC 302 | Human Plasma Cell-Free DNA Extraction Kit (Midi 5mL) | Inquire | Inquire | Inquire |
DLC 303 | Human Plasma Cell-Free DNA Extraction Kit (Mini 0.7mL) | Inquire | Inquire | Inquire |
5.1. Human Urine Cell-Free DNA Extraction Kit (50mL) (Cat: DLC 301)
【Intended use】
The kit uses a double-layer column to extract circulating cell-free DNA from up to 50mL of urine.
The eluted nucleic acid can be directly used for downstream applications, such as NGS and PCR.
Sample volume: Up to 50ml of urine.
cf-DNA purity: Directly used for downstream applications.
cf-DNA size: In the range of 80bp to 500bp.
cf-DNA recovery rate: ≥90%.
Capability: >12μg.
No genomic DNA contamination from lysed white cells because it remains bound tightly on the anion exchange membrane.
5.2. Human Plasma Cell-Free DNA Extraction Kit (Midi 5mL) (Cat: DLC 302)
【Intended use】
The kit uses a double-layer column to extract circulating cell-free DNA from up to 5mL of plasma.
The eluted nucleic acid can be directly used for downstream applications, such as NGS and PCR .
Sample volume: Up to 5ml of plasma.
cf-DNA purity: Directly used for downstream applications.
cf-DNA size: 80bp to 500bp.
cf-DNA recovery rate: ≥90%.
Capability: >12μg.
No genomic DNA contamination from lysed white cells because it remains bound tightly on the anion exchange membrane.
5.3. Human Plasma Cell-Free DNA Extraction Kit (Mini 0.7mL) (Cat: DLC 303)
【Intended use】
The kit uses a double-layer column to extract circulating cell-free DNA from up to 0.7ml of plasma.
The eluted nucleic acid can be directly used for downstream applications, such as NGS and PCR.
Sample volume: Up to 0.7ml of plasma.
cf-DNA purity: Directly used for downstream applications.
cf-DNA size: In the range of 80bp to 500bp.
cf-DNA recovery rate: ≥90%.
Capability: >12μg.
No genomic DNA contamination from lysed white cells because it remains bound tightly on the anion exchange membrane.