Cat. qPCR 157, 2X Fast qPCR Master Mix SYBR Green

Cat. qPCR 157, 2X Fast qPCR Master Mix SYBR Green

from $128.00

Intended Use

  • The 2X Fast qPCR Master Mix is used for real-time qualitative and quantitative qPCR with SYBR Green dye.

  • The master mix is a premixed, 2X concentrated solution that has all the components except for gene-specific primers and DNA template.

Kit Characterizations

  • The kit is designed for singleplex qPCR with SYBR Green dye.

  • The kit contains Taq-Fast DNA polymerase which can extend more than 300 bases with a short cycling program.

  • The concentrations of the primers are variable depending on assay designs and thermo-cycling protocols (User Manual Table 1).

  • The preferable PCR product size is ≤150bp.

  • The kit has three formulations of ROX, Low ROX or High ROX concentrations for your choice (see User Manual Table 2).

User Manual

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